Data Dashboards

We bring out the STORY in your Data!

Why Data Dashboards?

We've all heard the saying: "Without data you're just another person with an opinion." Data is necessary in business and should be at the foundation of everything you do. It takes the guesswork out of every decision you make.

We live in a world full of data. However, we often lack insights. I can't tell you how many clients or potential clients have told me, "we have Google Analytics set up on our website but we never look at it." OR "when I go into Google Analytics, I just get so overwhelmed so I don't do anything."

This is why we build dashboards, but not just any dashboards. We focus on ACTIONABLE dashboards that tell a story.

Check Out a Sample Dashboard Below

Go ahead click away! It's interactive so you can get an idea of how dashboards work.

***Note this dashboard is built using Google Sample data. At times their may be gaps in the data or quota errors.

What makes our dashboards stand out?

✔️All your data in one place

✔️Set up to answer the questions you have for your business

✔️We tell a story about your customer's journey so you can identify gaps in your marketing ecosystem

✔️We aim for your dashboard to be as automatic as possible. That means less time pulling data, and more time taking action.

Would you like to start a project with us?

We will help you capture, organize, track and report your data effectively, so you can identify gaps in your business.

About Us

We crunch the data so you don't have too. Have the data that helps you understand what is moving the needle in your business. If data overwhelms you, we support in finding the story in your data, so data become meaningful for your business.